Setting up a gateway between LANtastic and the Internet ------------------------------------------------------- I've got a machine running both LANtastic/AI version 3.03 (both workstation and server), and at the same time, running the FTP Software TCP/IP package to connect with the Internet. I have the cc:Mail (Lotus) "SMTPLINK" product transferring electronic mail between the SMTP mail format used on the Internet, and the cc:Mail format used on our LANtastic LAN. The Internet is a worldwide internetwork connecting schools, universities, government agencies, military installations, and commercial organizations. I work for a non-profit professional/academic society. The trick is that I have TWO network boards in the machine, which serves as an e-mail gateway between SMTP mail on the Internet and cc:Mail (Lotus) on the LAN in our office. I've had several requests to comment on how this works, so here goes. The gateway machine is a 486-33 clone running MS-DOS 4.01 with 4 megabytes of RAM, a 330 megabyte Micropolis ESDI drive with the Ultrastor 12-F controller, VGA video and TWO Western Digital (now SMC) Elite Combo ethernet adapters. I have both adapters set for the 10-Base-T option, and they are both seated in 8-bit slots because apparently there's a timing problem with these network boards in 486-based machines, but that's another problem not related to this note. First, configure one of the network cards for FTP Software's TCP/IP software. Do it by the book, so to speak, and test the TCP/IP installation without LANtastic. Make note of the IRQ, IOBASE and RAMBASE settings that work for the TCP/IP adapter. In my machine, I use IRQ=7, IOBASE=280 and RAMBASE=D000. At this point, you should be able to reliably SMTP, FTP and Telnet to other TCP/IP hosts. If you can't, then the problem is not LANtastic; it's the TCP/IP software. Configuring the TCP/IP drivers is not obvious - you need some knowledge about the "domain" in which you machine resides, and you'll need the network address of at least one "Domain Name Server" in your domain. If you don't know what a domain is, then you probably won't be able to set up TCP/IP software. Next, configure the second network card for LANtastic using ANOTHER IRQ, IOBASE and RAMBASE. It's very important that each card have its own setting for each of these. For LANtastic, I'm using IRQ=5, IOBASE=240 and RAMBASE=D400. Set up your WD8003.EXE LANtastic driver to use the settings of the second card. Then load the LANtastic software and test it without using the TCP/IP software. Now you're ready to test both networks at one time. The order in which I load everything is: WD8003.SYS (device driver CONFIG.SYS for TCP/IP) IPCUST.SYS (device driver CONFIG.SYS for TCP/IP) WD8003.EXE (h/w driver for LANtastic - version 1.10) AILANBIO.EXE (AI lanbios for LANtastic - version 1.15) REDIR.EXE (network shell for LANTASTIC - version 3.03) WD8003.EXE (network shell for TCP/IP) Note: there are two programs named WD8003.EXE. One's from Artisoft and the other's from FTP Software. Don't get confused: these are two very different programs with different purposes. My suggested test is: 1. Do a NET SHOW. You should see the servers available on your LANtastic LAN. Log in to one of them and connect a drive letter to a shared area. Check the directory of that shared area and be sure you see what you expect to see. 2. Switch to the directory with the FTP Software package. Telnet to your favorite TCP/IP host - preferably the one you used when you tested the TCP/IP software alone. 3. After logging off the TCP/IP host, check that your shared area drive is still connected and working ok. 4. Another test: copy the TCP/IP software program called "FTP" to a LANtastic file server shared area, switch your DOS default drive to that shared area, and run FTP. Connect to your favorite FTP host and "get" a file. After you close the FTP connection, that file should be sitting in the shared area on the LANtastic file server. If test 4 succeeds, congratulations - you will have transferred a file directly from a TCP/IP host machine to a LANtastic file server. Since you've got SIX separate network driver programs to load into memory before running application software like Telnet, you may want to use one or another utility to load one or more drivers "high". Also, since I am using this double network machine as a gateway for e-mail, it must be dedicated to that task, and therefore gets locked up in the computer room where it does nothing else. Obviously the machine can do other things, but we have chosen to have the gateway available around the clock. Feel free to send additional questions. James L. Goldman, CDP, CSP Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Compuserve: 72137,3401 Internet: